Live alone?
Or worried about someone who does?
Get peace of mind with daily check-in phone calls
Costs fully or partialy covered for eligible customers.
Check your eligability now.
Over 1.5 million reminders & check-ins delivered so far
Used & recommended by NHS staff
Our services
With over 1,000,000 check-ins/reminders delivered, our services support a wide range of needs.
Why not see how we compare with other solutions or receive an instant demo call to your phone?
One-off reminder
- Perfect for one-off appointments and arrangements
- Contacts someone once on a given date and time
- They hear a personalised message
- If there is no response after 2 attempts, can alert 1 person by SMS
Free to use
Create a one-off reminder
Repeat check-ins/reminders
- Perfect for checking that someone is ok throughout the day and/or prompting things that need to happen every day/week, such as taking medication.
- They can receive as many calls as are needed each day
- They can hear a personalised or preset message when answering
- We can alert up to 3 people if there is no response
Costs fully or partialy covered for eligible customers. Click here to check your eligibility.
All services include a 30-day free trial.
Full cost is only £12/month (inc VAT) all-inclusive. Click here to view other currencies
Create a repeat check-in/reminder
In-person care
- For anyone needing in-person help with everyday needs such as managing health conditions, companionship, personal hygine, meals, travel e.t.c
- Ranges from weekly visits to to full time live in care
- Professional and qualified carers from all backgrounds and care need specialisations
- Concierge matching via our CareMatch advisors
Free expert concierge advice and carer matching
Costs an average 20% less than using a standard care agency.
Find out more