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Our services

With over 1,000,000 reminders and check-ins delivered, our services support a wide range of needs.
Why notsee how we compare with other solutions or receive an instant demo call to your phone?

One-off reminder

  • Perfect for one-off appointments and arrangements
  • Contacts someone once on a given date and time
  • They hear a personalised message
  • Can alert 1 person if there is no response

Free to use

Create one-off reminder now

Regular check-ins/reminders

  • Perfect for regular personal/household tasks or checking-in
  • They receive as many calls as are needed each day
  • They hear a personalised or preset message when answering
  • We alert up to 3 people if there is no response

Costs fully or partialy covered for eligible customers. Click here to check your eligibility.

All services include a 30-day free trial.

Full cost is only $15/month (inc TAX) all-inclusive. Click here to view other currencies

Create a regular reminder/check-in now

Live calls from a professional

  • Perfect for in-depth check-ins and tackling loneliness
  • As many calls as are needed each week
  • Delivered by a professional carer
  • Includes regular automated service (if desired)

Costs fully or partialy covered for eligible customers. Click here to check your eligibility.

All services include a 30-day free trial.

Full cost starts from $150/month (inc TAX). Click here to view other currencies

Find out more now