This article takes a look at both how CareCalls compares but also how it fits in. CareCalls is often used in conjunction with pill boxes, pendants/watches and carers and while each of these has cross-over benefits with CareCalls the best thing is to work out how they can fit together and which bases they cover best.
▲ Pros
- Risk-free 30-day free trial: Provides an opportunity to see if it works for you.
- Intuitive, familiar technology: Delivers via landline or mobile as a normal call/SMS. No delivery, installation or internet connection is required.
- Easy to hear and natural to respond to: Can be heard throughout the house, people of all ages automatically react to phone calls (as opposed to new/unfamiliar bleeping from pill boxes/apps e.t.c)
- Two critical needs in one: Can provide both reminders & well-being checks.
- Personalised messages: Can provide time-dependent & precise instructions.
- Manage remotely: Online or by phone.
- Customer service. 9-5, 7 days a week + out of hours.
- Real-time reports: Show you if it is helping.
▼ Cons
- Does not organise pills & medication: We recommend using CareCalls alongside a standard pill box. The message can specifically instruct which day/time for them to take from the box
- Requires the call receiver to be lucid and proactive enough: CareCalls works best as an early to mid-stage preventative solution for those who still desire independence. For example, we support many people with early to mid-stage dementia, however introducing CareCalls during the later stages is often less effective.
- Does not replace in-person support: During the mid-late stages of care, many things need the support of another person. CareCalls can provide reminders and check-ins while regular visits can focus on social connection and supporting more challenging tasks.
Mobile apps
Apps are often suitable for younger and able people who need to take medication. However, they often fall short when it comes to older people and have some major drawbacks due to limitations when compared to standard calls or texts.
▲ Pros
- Cheap or free (although free services will often provide limited functionality)
▼ Cons
- Unfamiliar technology.
- Cant be managed remotely.
- Needs an internet connection if providing check-ins.
- Apps often have limited control of your phone and so can’t deliver a loud phone call.
- Mobile phones can be lost or left uncharged (CareCalls will alert someone if this happens).
Pill boxes (including with alarms)
Pillboxes in themselves are a great tool and we regularly recommend using them in conjunction with CareCalls. You can also get pill boxes with alarms, as a means to prompt people these have a few pros and cons which are worth considering.
▲ Pros
- A visually clear way to divide pills
- Alarm is attached to the pillbox so draws attention to the task at hand.
- One-off cost
▼ Cons
- Unfamiliar and potentially confusing technology.
- Difficult to change times.
- Cant be managed remotely
- Often can not be heard throughout the whole house.
- Does not warn you if there is no response.
- Can get lost.
- Upfront commitment: More advanced dispensers can be £150+.
Pendants and watches
Pendants and watches are also a great tool and can work very well alongside CareCalls as a ‘reactive’ way to call the alarm. Here we look at what you should/shouldn’t expect from them and how they fit in.
▲ Pros
- Can immediately alert monitoring centred in an emergency (as long as the person is conscious and has the pendant on them)
- Provides a ‘reactive’ way to call the alarm quickly.
- Puts you in touch with someone who can help.
▼ Cons
- Don’t provide reminders, only situation alerts.
- Require proactive usage, standard pendants will not help someone who has fallen unconscious or is having a seizure.
- Unfamiliar technology. 50% of pendant wearers forget to wear them.
- Upfront cost + subscription.
- Can easily get lost.
- Requires plugging into a socket to be charged.
- Not all monitoring centres are reliable (make sure to test regularly).
Professional carers
Carers are often the most important part of a successful care journey and cover a huge range of needs that CareCalls and other technology simply are not able to help with, especially in the later stages of the care journey. While carers will be needed at some point, the question you should ask is how soon? and then, how often? Carers can become extremely expensive so you should consider how services such as CareCalls can delay the need for a carer or reduce the amount of visits needed.
▲ Pros
- Can support people in every aspect of life
- Can provide connection and emotional support
▼ Cons
- Carers are very expensive – Tools like CareCalls can often help delay the need for a carer and then, following that, reduce the number of unnecessary visits a carer needs to perform to, for example, prompt medication (especially if someone tasks medication many times a day). Of course, the definition of ‘unnecessary’ will change as things progress and it will eventually be necessary for a carer to support them at all times.
Why not give CareCalls a try?
CareCalls is designed so it is easy for you to try with no risk or upfront commitment. Start a 30-day free trial and see how it can fit into your care journey.